Thursday, December 31, 2009

Let It Snow!

We had snow on the ground when we arrived home from visiting family on Tuesday. This was followed by some freezing fog, and today it is snowing again.
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Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas Dresses

I wish the picture had turned out better of the girls in their Christmas dresses, but I guess I have to be content that the twins weren't screaming. Which was what they did at church, and the reason I brought them home early. They have been fighting a pretty bad cold, which has been keeping us all up at night. They are getting better now, a result of having passed the cold on to someone else (their mom and dad....).
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Saturday, December 19, 2009

Abercrombie and Fitch

We ventured out in the shopping madness of the Saturday Before Christmas. We even maneuvered all 6 of us (including the double stroller) through the crowds at the mall. Which brings me to today's story.
We were walking by Abercrombie and Fitch when the pulsating noise caught the attention of Miss Emma. She looked into the store and saw the giant naked male torso, sporting unbuttoned jeans. Emma looked at her Daddy and very seriously said, "Why would you want to shop there? Why would anyone buy those clothes? They are too small! Those pants don't even button up! You can see their chest and their belly button!"

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Maddie's Monday Mess

All I can say is the pantry cupboard now has a child lock on it.
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Thursday, December 10, 2009

Mess of the Day

Dear Mom and Dad,
I really am very sorry for all the messes I made and didn't clean up (or just not as quickly as you would have liked). But your revenge seems a little over the top. As I clean up one mess, the Little Hurricanes make another. You once told me that I would get mine, and I have. You can tell my kids to let up now.
PS Rick and Kim-- I think they have also made up for what Ryan did.

I think I need to rename the blog to the Kannely Mess of the Day. Something tripped in Annie and Maddie's head at their 1 year birthday and I have been scrambling trying to keep up. It isn't working. I am literally following them around, picking up books, kitchen towels and cooking supplies, clothes from their drawers and toys. And ripped up newspaper. And Christmas ornaments. Today they found the tin foil. Incidentally, if anyone cares to know, it doesn't roll up and fit into its box again. And they got the box of raisins off the counter. I'm still puzzled by how they did that one.

And then Elizabeth did this to the toilet paper yesterday. I suppose I should be happy it wasn't all in the toilet or strewn about the bathroom. It just isn't where it is supposed to be.