Saturday, January 18, 2025


Once upon a time, I saw this fun idea on Pinterest called "Kindness Elves." Instead of Elf on the Shelf, this elf would leave service ideas for the family. I thought to myself, "What a great idea! What better focus could we have at Christmas time?" I found this cute little elf at Hobby Lobby that cost about $3, and all I needed was a plan.... that never materialized. The Christmas season always gets away from me. So the little elf stayed packed away for a year or two, and then the kids found it. I confessed to my un-materialized plans. I got some disappointed looks, but we all moved on. The girls took to hiding him around the house themselves but without any altruistic ideas. He might be stuck in the Christmas tree, in the wreath on the front door, on a book shelf, or in the fridge. You just never knew where he might show up. 

Last year the elf got himself an accessory- a knife made out of tin foil. I feel a bit threatened this year.  Here he is on the banister up to my bedroom:
And in the cupholder on the treadmill:
And in the knick-knacks on the piano:
These pictures have all been taken since we put the Christmas decorations away. I hope the kids are trying to be humorous to shake me out of my grumpy moods.

1 comment:

Shaina said...

BAHAHA, I love the Kannely sense of humor so much! An elf with a knife! The treadmill elf message was the best! Humor doesn't necessarily solve problems, but it sure can feel good to LAUGH every now and then! I love it!