Friday, April 5, 2013


Easter morning came a bit too early.  The night held too many fun surprises.  First Elizabeth had an allergy attack.  Once that was under control, and I was starting to drift off to sleep (for the first time that night), Emma threw up.  All.  Over.  It required a shower, and throwing her pjs, blanket, and pillow in the washing machine.  Poor Emma was shivering so badly as she was washed (even 10 year olds need help in the middle of the night while sick), and while I blow dried her hair.

Finally, we got to crawl back into bed.  I think about 2 seconds later the sun came up.  I groaned and wished for about 5 more hours of sleep.

But I rolled the tired bones out of bed, and helped the girls (well, the three that were going to church) get ready.  They all loved their new hair pretties that were in their Easter baskets.
 Ryan even pasted on a smile for the camera.
 Once they were off to church, I went to the washing machine to put the stuff in the dryer.  I opened the lid of my in-laws washing machine and saw this:
 Oh. my. gosh.  The pillow exploded.  It was laugh or cry, so I laughed, took a picture and texted Ryan about the devastation.  And then cleaned out the washing machine.  I cleaned as much out as I could see, but the next person to wash clothes got pillow fuzzies all over their clothes.  Luckily my in-laws are good sports and just laughed about it too.

After church (or the parts they stayed for), we played with the water rocket that the Easter Bunny left us.

 Then it was time for the Easter egg hunt in Grandma and Grandpa's backyard.  The eggs were VERY well hidden....

 The kids needed the adults' help to find the rest.  In fact, we may not have found them all.
 Grandpa mowed the Easter Bunny in the grass:
 You do have to look closely.  The camera didn't do a good job picking it up.  There are two straight ears, eyes, nose and mouth.
 There was one silver or gold plastic egg for each child, in addition to all of the hard boiled eggs we decorated.
Then it was {late} lunch time.  Look at that pretty table and yummy food!

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