Thursday, November 8, 2007

Emma goes back to school

After staying home from school for a couple days due to a high fever and the stomach flu, Emma finally went back to school. Elizabeth came down with a fever Monday morning, and Emma did Monday afternoon. Elizabeth took a 3 hour nap!!!!! Monday, and Emma crashed out on the couch, with her head on my lap. That really never happens. It was very peaceful in our house. Tuesday we ran a movie marathon, since the girls did not move off the couch the entire day. If they needed to be moved, Mommy had to physically pick them up and move them. Wednesday was pretty much the same, only we added the stomach flu to the mix. All I can say is, thank heaven for our carpet shampoo-er with upholstry attachment. I was worried that Tylanol stains couldn't be removed. But now I know that with a good deal of elbow grease, they can be. Hooray! And what I want to know is, why in the world do they color children's medicine so much? I can't think it makes it look anymore appealing. Either the child likes it, or not. But if the child does not like it, then you have one very colorful mess on your hands. And clothes. And perhaps your furniture too.

1 comment:

The A Team Mom said...

So I think we should complain about this! The medicines are always bright red or orange! What are those companies thinking... oh I know all those big wigs are too busy to have children who puke on their carpets and couches!