Thursday, May 28, 2009

90 degrees

Ryan is away this evening at a school board meeting. I took the two older girls outside to play in the sprinkler to pass the time until bedtime. Elizabeth was wholeheartedly enjoying herself, but it took Emma a little while to get into it. I played and got soaked as well. We attracted the attention of one of the neighbor girls, and she came and played with us for the last 15 minutes or so. Her mom told her not to get too wet. What kind of instructions are those? If you are going to play in the sprinkler, of course you are going to get good and wet. We didn't listen very well.
Elizabeth thought she was hilarious sitting ON the sprinkler.

Mwah ha ha ha. Emma discovered the power to control the spray....

1 comment:

Michael and Blair Kannely said...

they are SO cute!!! i wish I had a sprinkler...