Friday, November 27, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving

Sometimes I think the thing I am the most thankful for about Thanksgiving is the break from school.  The kids went to school Monday and Tuesday, and then we were off the rest of the week.  It was especially nice this year, as we pretty much all decided to get sick.  It's good to take some time off from the craziness of our life.  

Elizabeth had been telling me about the cornucopia art project she's been working on, and she was so excited to show it to me when she came home Tuesday. 
 Thursday morning we needed to make an apple pie to take with us to Grandma and Grandpa's house.  I had helpers.  It was not the prettiest pie ever made, but it was made with lots of love... or at least a lot of enthusiasm.
 Ryan's parents made two turkeys.  I guess they figured the 11 of us there were super duper hungry.  It was just Ryan and his family, and Caitlin and her girls who came for dinner.
 We had a pretty nice spread.
 This was my plate.  Yum.
 A Ryan and me selfie in bad lighting.  I wore two shirts and a sweater.  I find that I need to plan ahead for my own warmness.  I am in the minority in needing warmer temperatures.  At one point during the day, the inside temperature had reached comfortable (for me) from all the cooking going on which meant that everyone else was apparently dying of heat exhaustion.  Both the front and back doors were opened to air the house out-- keep in mind that the outdoor temperature was about 25 degrees during the day.  After two minutes I quietly closed the doors.  There was absolutely no reason I should be freezing while standing over the stove.  I ought to be warm!  Please?
 Ryan had the pie cutting job.  We lined up and let him serve us pie.  Yummy, yummy pie.  We had two kinds of pumpkin, pineapple, and apple pies.
 Caitlin left before we started eating dessert.  But this is the rest of the group.
 My pie.  Ryan served my whipped cream between the two pieces.  I think he was trying to be helpful?
Happy Thanksgiving!

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