Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween Twins

I was amused this year to see we had some matching costumes.  Emma and her friend Luci were (somewhat) surprised to see they had chosen the same character to dress-up as for Halloween at the Trunk or Treat.  
 Two studious, brunette girls who like the Harry Potter series....  Hm, probably not too surprising they both chose Hermione. :)

Emma and Elizabeth both got to take their Halloween costumes and had junk food and candy-filled parties at school yesterday.  So instead of going trick-or-treating and getting even more candy, we were fuddy-duddies and went to a dinner party.  Maddie and Kennedy were both Snow White.
Ryan brought home two FFA jackets after school yesterday for us to wear to the dinner party.  Ryan has been an Ag teacher and FFA advisor for how many years now- 7+? -and I finally wore the FFA emblem. 
I don't have anything against the FFA blue and yellow.  It's just since I am neither a high school student or FFA advisor, opportunities just don't come up much.

Hope everyone had a fun and safe Halloween!

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