Saturday, April 4, 2015

The Hunt is On

We spent today with Ryan's family to watch Conference (sort of), eat lots of yummy food (including way too much candy), and let the kids do an Easter egg hunt with the cousins.  

It's tricky to try to watch General Conference surrounded by so many of the younger folk, who would rather play with their cousins rather than sit quietly.  Go figure.  This was one of the quieter moments.  (We are glad Charlotte is warming up to us all.)
 After the morning session, we ate our Easter "dinner," and then turned the kids loose for the hunt.
 The kids had to line up, youngest to oldest before running outside.

 Ryan was in charge of taking pictures.
We kinda sorta attempted to watch the afternoon session of General Conference afterwards, with even less success than the morning session.  I don't know that I remember anything from it, but helping the kids on a sugar high stay out of trouble is a full time job.  That's what the Conference issue of the Ensign is for, I suppose.  Maybe when I read it, I will find snippets that I did hear.  :)

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