Monday, March 28, 2011

Peace and Quiet

It's parent-teacher conference time: meaning long evenings with daddy at work.  I put the twins to bed at 7:30, but told the older two girls that they could read or play quietly in their room until 8 pm.  I figured this would give me a good chance to get the kitchen cleaned up and rid the living room of popcorn seeds.

First there was the pitter-patter of 8-year-old feet to the bathroom.  "MOOOooooOOOmm, I know I just went like 4 minutes ago, but I had to go again!"

Then it was the clomp clomp of slightly smaller feet.  "Mom, I only have 3 stuffed animals.  I need 1 more to make 4."  (Good math Elizabeth.)  So she ran down to get one, and came back with an armful.

(Threats of the bedroom light going off if anyone came out again.)

Moderate amounts of giggles and sounds of fun emanated from the hall, which was fine since I could still hear the twins playing in their room too.

Then I started hearing THUMP-thump, THUMP-thump, THUMP-thumps.  I entered Emma and Elizabeth's room to find Emma's new jump rope being put to use.  Ok, guys.  Really?  How is this quiet?

1 comment:

Ellerbeck Family News said...

I am glad she likes the jump rope!
Thanks for letting us hang out with you!!
Your kids are so much fun!
Love Aunt Jeanne and all