Wednesday, February 11, 2015

100 Days Smarter

Kindergarten is the best.  Annie and Maddie tell me they know everything already, which has been mostly true.  Their reading is coming along nicely, and Annie did so well reading her talk in Primary on Sunday.  We went over her talk several times Saturday evening, and once Sunday morning (I of course forgetting to write the thing until Saturday after dinner....).  The twins read me those little paper books they bring home from school, and they have a great attention span for read aloud books.  We've finished Old Yeller, a junior version of The Secret Garden, and we are now into The Magician's Nephew from the Narnia series.  We usually have an audio book of one kind or another playing in the car, and they are always asking for it to be turn on when we are in the car.  There is no shortage of words being spoken around here.  Seriously.

Last night Annie and Maddie brought home a little note from the school saying for the 100th day of school, the kids could dress up like they were 100 years old.  As I was not given a lot of time to come up with something, the girls were sent to school with "shawls" and buns in their hair.
 Annie has her shoes on, and Maddie hadn't gotten that far in her school preparations.  There isn't that much of a height difference between the two.
 This is their "old lady" faces.
I guess being 100 days smarter does funny things to your face.

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